To People of Heart and Vision,

I am calling on your visionary leadership with the greatest urgency to lend a helping hand to the world’s girls and children in the midst of the worst global hunger crisis in modern history.

We will produce the World Girls Day Global Charity Concert and International Girl’s Day Music Festival on October 11th, 2024 for World Girls Day, with the Heart in Action campaign ending on World Children’s Day, November 20th. A Hollywood Telethon will inspire the world to give boldly and generously.

The legendary Louis J. Horvitz (Live Aid, Grammys, Academy Awards) is directing. Live Aid had 40 simultaneous Telethons. It happened in 3 weeks in 1985. Stronger Together, the Multi-Network concert for COVID in Canada, had a multi-network broadcast, and was the highest rated concert in the country’s history.

The world’s great talent will come together to create an exciting live global mega-shed entertainment extravaganza for a worldwide broadcast. Star performers will electrify the heart of humanity to celebrate, champion and support the world’s girls and children.

This Multi-Cultural Global Music Festival will be showcased  across all global media platforms. The Heart in Action Global Humanitarian campaign offers innovative globe-spanning philanthropy. The biggest Give Back Movement and Humanitarian campaign in history.

All cities/countries can join the festival and play music for change using our platform and campaigns to raise funds for their charities. Funds we raise will support UNICEF, Girls and Children’s Funds, The WFP, and Feeding America. TBD.

Join us in a dynamic partnership to create a life-memorable global cultural experience.  Given the urgency of our times bold action is needed now to inspire the world to rise to this consequential moment in history.

As our Patron, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, of blessed memory used to say. “Let this be humanity’s finest hour”.  We are stronger together.  

With gratitude and appreciation,

Lili Fournier.


This ambitious global effort needs to engage all of our teams and have all systems go now. Collaboration is at the heart of this ambitious global effort. We invite your true allyship and foundational investment.


We stand poised at a revolutionary moment with a transformational platform.

Live Aid proved the power of music to bring people together for a common cause. It was the most important humanitarian event of the 20th century. It was one of the largest television broadcasts of all time; an estimated audience of over 1 billion, in 150 nations, watched the live broadcast.

World Girls Day, followed by the Women’s Day Live Global benefit concert on March 8th, 2025, are spectacular all-out celebrations and first-of-its-kind immersive Global Music Festivals that will inspire a worldwide audience – to build a global community that is passionate about social change and empowering girls and women around the world. If not now. When?

Be a part of this heartfelt global cultural movement to bring our human family together to celebrate diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity. A world of Pop culture, creative expression and music from around the world. A Social Networking Bonanza! “Let Girls Global Takeover Begin!”

Ignite her Potential. Unleash her Power. She is the most potent force for global economic growth.


“Make this humanity’s finest moment”. - Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Women’s Day Live Patron. Of blessed memory

Women’s Day Live is a live-global mega shed entertainment extravaganza to champion and celebrate the women of the world for an epic International Women’s Day Music Festival on March 8, 2024. This is Live Aid Women. Global engagement. Global connectivity. Local impact.

The Heart in Action Global Humanitarian Campaign continues the Biggest Give Back Campaign to offer innovative globe-spanning philanthropy. We can make this the biggest shopping day of the year like Singles Day in China. All retailers can give a % to the World Girls Education Fund. See the Synopsis.

International Women’s Day is wildly popular and is celebrated in over 150 countries worldwide. 18 hours of Live Musical performances coming from around the world will create a thrilling cross-cultural global phenomenon that will electrify people worldwide to put their heart in action to make a meaningful difference. See the WDL presentation.

We will build the World Girls Day Concert and International Girls Day Music Festival and the Women’s Day Live, International Woman’s Day Music Festival to become two of the most popular International Music festivals in the world and a Global Humanitarian Franchise that keeps giving back to the future every year.

The legendary Louis. J. Horvitz (Live Aid, Academy Awards, the Grammys) will direct. He has stood by this project all these years, as did our Women’s Day Live Patron, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Working together is our only great hope.

The very future of humanity depends on what we do now.

My Epic Quest

I dedicated my life to help the world’s girls and women achieve their dreams. To be free to be anything they want to be. To be masters of their own destiny.

I grew up in an oppressive Communist regime where fear and hate were a daily diet. I was the wrong nationality, religion and gender. Whenever I wanted to do something, I was told you can’t, you are a girl. I would answer ‘yes I can” and would be beaten for the best in me. I didn’t want any young girl to experience this. This is our moment as a human family to lift-up the world’s girls to rise and shine. Yes, we can.

I prophesied this dystopian future and the attack on our freedom and on the pillars of democracy. I knew that educated and empowered women and girls were the solution. I want my children to know why I gave away their future inheritance to achieve this mission.  I made a “Vow” that I would protect freedom and Democracy at all costs. That’s why I could never give up. Somethings are worth fighting for. The future depends on what we do now.

I was a successful documentary maker who played a leading role in pioneering the Human Potential movement on broadcast television, across the U.S. on PBS, and in Canada, on six networks and on UPC cable in Europe. It also was a mission against great odds. I’ve seen the power of media to change and impact culture. It is vital we impact the culture now to showcase the transformative power of women and girls in global society today. Otherwise, nothing will change.

Help make the ‘impossible dream possible’. I have answered the call. Will you join me?

"We must stand up for the rights of the World’s Women and Girls at this critical tipping point in history. We have to choose courage over comfort and be willing to do what it takes. Women are the great defenders of democracy. The stakes could not be higher". - Lili Fournier